Security Operations Group International, LLC

SOG-I HeadQuarters
428 Havasu Point
Spring Branch, Texas 78070
Toll Free Number 1 (800) 462-0041
Hours of Operations:
Monday- thru - Friday (8:00 am to 5:00 pm)

8 (a) SBA Certified
SBA 8 (a) Certified No. 47QSWA19D008C / Texas Department of Public Safety Private Security Board Licensed C05217701 / Texas Certification Directory Number TM: No. 802121176 / Cage Code 7B6R5/ Unique Entity ID (UEI) DYTCWJJMY2Y7 / South Central Texas Regional Certification No. 215059457/ Texas TCOLE PID No. 436680 /N.A.T.O 7B6R5 /SBA Certification Profile No. P1915484 / GSA Contract Number #47QSWA19D008C; National Association for Information Destruction NAID AAA Certification; (C) 2014-2019 by DesignCrowd Pty. Ltd for SOG-I,LLC.
All rights reserved of the respective logo.
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Cyber Security

Government and commercial organizations are becoming increasingly reliant on critical computer systems and technology-centric infrastructures that support business activities and capabilities. As such, these environments are becoming more susceptible to malicious attacks from both internal and external threats. SOG-I is the missing link: we provide confidentiality, integrity, and availability to our customers by applying Cyber Security expertise directed by legal policy, guidance, and regulation.
SOG-I offers the following services
Compliance with Federal standards to include: DIACAP, NIST, CNSS, and FISMA
Cyber Security
Database Administration and Data Storage Management
Messaging and Collaboration
Integration and Network Support
Performance Measures and Metrics Planning
Application security including web and mobile application security Continuous Monitoring Strategies
System Security Engineering
Vulnerability Assessments and Vulnerability Management
Security Architecture
Risk Management
Incident Response
Forensic Analysis
Host Based Security Services (HBSS)
Document and Hard Drive Destruction Services at the bottom of the bullet descriptions
Video Telecommunication
SOG-I provides AMX Programming and Video Telecommunication, Communications Support and Repair Services; performing engineering, installation and repair services as required. We provide solutions that address your specific needs to expand your video, voice and content solutions capabilities to increase the efficiency and productivity of our client operations. By developing, initiating and implementing innovative methodologies; as well as delivering quality products and ensuring both integrity and security, we provide customers with the highest level of service.
​​ Special qualifications include:
AMX ACE Control System Expert
AMX ACE Media Management Expert
AMX ACE RMS Enterprise Expert
AMX Enova Solutions Certified
Biamp-Audia Certificate of Achievement
Polycom MGC 50/100 Maintainer Certified
Polycom HDX Certification
Freeport Multi-Domain Network Switch Certified
NSCA Advanced Sound Design Certified
Certified Technology Specialist Design
PMP Project Management Certified
Certfied Technology Specialist-General
Certified Technology Speciales-Installation
Proven Past Performance with Secure Video Conferencing and Command Control Systems
Secured On-Site Shredding
SOG-I Cyber Division, is a National Association for Information Destruction (NAID AAA), certified , along with our 1st Tier Teaming Partner Ranger Shedding Services believes in protecting patient confidential data with our best-in-class secure paper shredding and hard drive destruction services. On-site Document Shredding Services plays a "key role" in preventing identity theft. Each year, nine million Americans have their identity stolen, most a result of mismanaging personal documents.
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SOG-I is National Association for Information Destruction (NAID AAA) certified. The NAID AAA certification represents the highest standards accepted by the information destruction industry. SOG-I l believes in protecting confidential data with our best-in-class Secure Document and Hard Drive Destruction Services. Our On-site Secure Document Hard Drive Services plays a "key role" in preventing identity theft. Each year, nine million Americans have their identity stolen, most a result of mismanaging personal documents. When the process is not completely secure organizations run the risk of their sensitive materials getting in the wrong hands exposing themselves to negative consequences including sanctions, fines, fraud, disclosure of trade secrets and bad publicity. NAID Certified companies undergo announced and unannounced audits. These audits scrutinize their hiring practices, procedures for destruction, equipment, and facilities. NAID AAA Certification is the only real security assurance in the document destruction industry.
The following are some of the security specifications that NAID auditors verify:
Anyone with a known history of related-crimes are not employed by the data destruction company
Security and operations policies and procedures are written and followed
Destruction equipment is functioning properly and safely
Access to sensitive and confidential materials is restricted at all times
Containers and vehicles protect information from unauthorized access at all times during transport and processing
That there is an audit trail, including CCTV image capture and retention, and a thorough, documented chain of custody
Ranger Shredding a Division of RCI
SOG-I's teaming Partner, Ranger Shredding is a division of Records Consultants Inc.(RCI) Headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, RCI is a recognized leader in a variety of document management fields and provides a wide range of products and services to educational, municipal and other governmental, institutional and private sector clients. Our Teaming services include:
Records Retention and Document Management Solutions
Fixed Asset Inventory Management Services and Software
Secure, On-site Document Destruction
Property Appraisals
Infrastructure Valuations
Historical Cost Research
Over Shadow

SOG-I's Cyber Division​ has a specialized field call "Over Shadow", that conducts backgrounds that include the following;
Business/Corporate Backgrounds. Purposes range from prospective business/ partnership deals, unfair competition, employee theft, and others.
Individual Backgrounds. Purposes include domestic affairs, pre-marital checks, roommate screenings, family matters, prospective child care employees, harassment cases, and others.